Day 24 – November 24, 2015

Wishing those whose celebrate Thanksgiving Day a Happy Turkey Day, and for everyone else, I still send blessings for a safe and happy day! xo




  1. Had a “no meat” Tuesday. Doesn’t rhyme but I didn’t plan that out better.
  2. I walked the farthest I have in several weeks. Still not my steps goal/day but getting there with dealing with the sores on my feet.



  1. I got in 3 walks today for a total of 23,500 steps. One of my walks was a long one by myself for me time and my music. Very relaxing and enjoyable walk. It was my weight in day today and I was up a little bit so have to do better next week on that.
  2. I bought myself some fresh flowers today to replace the ones I had gotten a few weeks ago. Beautiful orange, green and brown colors for Thanksgiving.

Doing great Barb!!!



I spent the better part of the day on the couch unable to do much due to my hip issue and I’m afraid that’s how it will likely be for a few days. Unfortunately, I carbed out in order for my pain meds not to further upset my stomach. So other than drinking water….I accomplished nothing.

So sorry your hip is still bothering you so much. Sending healing prayers for a speedy recovery so you’re back on your feet soon. xoxo